Join The Tribe of Courageous Leaders
May 8, 2024

The 99% Outlaw with Dick Odom

The 99% Outlaw with Dick Odom
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Courageous Leadership

Dick Odom's journey from the brink of despair to becoming a beacon of hope is nothing short of miraculous. As a seasoned former law enforcement officer and now the director of operations at Thin Blue Connect, Dick graces our show with his harrowing yet inspiring story. He shares the pivotal moments that nearly broke him, his encounter with personal demons leading to a suicide attempt, and the unwavering strength that spurred his recovery. His narrative isn't just his own—it's a lifeline for anyone in the force grappling with the pressures of the badge.

Leadership in law enforcement can be a double-edged sword; it can either foster a culture of support or breed a toxic environment. Together with Dick, we peel back the layers of what true leadership entails, drawing from my personal experiences detailed in "The Oath Breaker." We dissect the fallout caused by indifference and neglect at the hands of those in command. Through candid discussions, we underscore the transformative power of empathy in leadership roles and how it can set the tone for an entire department to thrive or flounder.

As we wrap up our dialogue, we emphasize the enduring value of compassionate leadership and how it can revolutionize law enforcement agencies. We spotlight the role of internal affairs in maintaining a healthy organizational culture, the significance of peer accountability, and the introduction of Thin Blue Connect as a vital resource for officers needing support. 

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00:00 - Challenges and Triumphs in Law Enforcement

14:03 - Importance of Leadership in Law Enforcement

18:58 - The Impact of Effective Leadership

29:58 - Courageous Leadership With Travis Yates


00:00:00.381 --> 00:00:10.474
It starts out in camaraderie and you believe you have the ability to de-stress in that environment because you're surrounded by people that you work with.

00:00:10.474 --> 00:00:14.109
Right, you're surrounded by the thin blue line.

00:00:14.109 --> 00:00:19.553
It starts out as that and then, before you know it, the alcohol begins to overpower people.

00:00:19.553 --> 00:00:23.629
The adultery runs rampant through that kind of life.

00:00:23.629 --> 00:00:30.109
They're compromising you morally and ethically, and so it starts out in all good fun, just as I did.

00:00:30.109 --> 00:00:42.192
But within a five-year period I went from a guy that was once in my previous agency, the deputy for the year to getting arrested in my mugshot being on news media right.

00:00:44.701 --> 00:00:53.093
Welcome to Courageous Leadership with Travis Yates, where leaders find the insights, advice and encouragement they need to lead courageously.

00:00:54.621 --> 00:00:56.204
Welcome back to the show.

00:00:56.204 --> 00:01:06.168
I'm so honored you've decided to spend your time with us today and I am thrilled about today's guest and you will be as well.

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On today's show is Dick Odom.

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Dick has over 17 years of dedicated service in law enforcement and he's witnessed firsthand the challenges, sacrifices and triumphs of wearing the badge.

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His journey has ignited his passion to give back to the law enforcement community and he's currently the director of operations at Thin Blue Connect.

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He's the author of a two-book series called Living Inside the Thin Blue Line.

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Those book titles include the Oathbreaker and his most recent book, the 99% Outlaw.

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They are both must-reads.

00:01:39.087 --> 00:01:40.825
Dick Odom, how are you doing, sir?

00:01:42.379 --> 00:01:43.402
I'm doing outstanding.

00:01:43.402 --> 00:01:44.522
How are you today, Travis?

00:01:44.962 --> 00:02:04.028
Well, man, it's going great and I'm excited to have you here on the show and obviously your story could take up hours and hours of what we could talk about, and obviously it won't be the first time you're on the show, but I kind of just wanted to get a sense of you know, you're doing great things in the profession today.

00:02:04.028 --> 00:02:11.569
Obviously, you're writing and the books are coming out and you're planning seminars and trainings and you have this connection with all these high-level trainers.

00:02:11.569 --> 00:02:13.406
But how did you get there, man?

00:02:13.406 --> 00:02:15.728
You just didn't wake up and start doing that.

00:02:15.728 --> 00:02:20.625
What was the journey in your life that has you sitting there right now doing this great work?

00:02:23.204 --> 00:02:25.524
Wow, you're right, that is a long question.

00:02:25.524 --> 00:02:37.002
The answer is long, so I left law enforcement in 06 after what everybody believed to be a DUI, but it was a suicide attempt.

00:02:37.043 --> 00:02:41.597
And for me, travis, I thought you know we have that old attitude.

00:02:41.597 --> 00:02:50.868
I began police work in 1989, and so we know that during that time, stoic was the attitude right, keep your mouth shut and keep working.

00:02:50.868 --> 00:02:59.562
So I did that and I went on and built a multimillion dollar business and I ended up losing it, and that was about seven years ago.

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I lost it in a hostile purchase, which can happen.

00:03:04.087 --> 00:03:04.468

00:03:06.412 --> 00:03:09.135
A year ago my life really changed.

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I got this overwhelming urge to start writing a book and talking about my career and my childhood, which was really strange, because that's just not something I thought I'd ever do.

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But I still believe that it was something God sent to me, right, that this is something you're going to do.

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Other people need to hear this.

00:03:28.394 --> 00:03:32.150
Well, as I was doing that, I started looking around.

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I was reaching out to people like my old boss, andy Hughes.

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You know, andy, he's a great guy.

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Andy's been very helpful to me.

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But during that process it was just like I have some business acumen, I have these other skills and I want to help support people that have these messages.

00:03:49.770 --> 00:03:58.733
You know I mean your message Jeff Dawkins, john Kelly, olivia Johnson, clee Tillman we've got all these wonderful people and I want to support that right.

00:03:58.733 --> 00:04:02.664
We want to arrange, you know, training and things like that and get that message out there.

00:04:02.664 --> 00:04:09.508
The last year has been incredibly introspective for me and changed my life a lot.

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We got the first two books published.

00:04:12.014 --> 00:04:15.347
I'm actually working on the last book in that series.

00:04:15.347 --> 00:04:22.451
That book's titled Don't Be a Dick and it's got several authors and it's going to be full of tangible solutions.

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But the road to get here it wasn't easy.

00:04:24.961 --> 00:04:25.562
It was tough.

00:04:25.562 --> 00:04:29.725
You know it was a fight every day in your mind.

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But I want everybody to listen.

00:04:33.029 --> 00:04:34.370
You know you can do it.

00:04:34.370 --> 00:04:39.636
You don't have to lay there and stop breathing, right, we don't need to forget the power of breath.

00:04:43.519 --> 00:04:45.572
Well, I would assume, dick, that there was a time in your life when you never thought you would get here right.

00:04:45.572 --> 00:04:57.889
Your latest book, a 99% Outlaw, is a pretty incredible journey of that motorcycle culture that you were involved in, and, of course, you mentioned a suicide attempt.

00:04:57.889 --> 00:04:59.985
So what do you think?

00:04:59.985 --> 00:05:03.771
Obviously, you've got incredible resilience.

00:05:03.771 --> 00:05:06.021
Resilience and you've already talked about in law enforcement.

00:05:06.021 --> 00:05:08.088
We didn't train that, we didn't talk about that.

00:05:08.088 --> 00:05:12.288
It was keep your mouth shut and, and you know, tough it out and put your boots on every day and keep going.

00:05:12.288 --> 00:05:17.266
What do you think it was about you that that led you to overcome so much of that?

00:05:18.108 --> 00:05:32.766
I mean, I say frustration, but you know, at the end of the day, travis, the will to be a part of humanity is important to me, right, and I think that we talk about everybody.

00:05:32.766 --> 00:05:41.911
You know, people go, they, they, they garner and gather all this wisdom, but the most important thing is how can we learn if we don't impart it?

00:05:41.911 --> 00:05:49.202
Right, what good is a doctor that has all this knowledge but never teaches anybody?

00:05:49.202 --> 00:06:02.362
And so I think that, through my struggles and and all my challenges uh, you know, it's like hey, you don't have to live this way and for everybody to stand around and look at you and say suck it up, buttercup.

00:06:02.362 --> 00:06:05.692
Um, I'd like to like to tell you shut your mouth, right?

00:06:06.600 --> 00:06:08.829
They've never had to suck it up, if they're saying that right.

00:06:09.961 --> 00:06:11.225
That's exactly right.

00:06:11.225 --> 00:06:25.687
Um, I just saw this the other day on a guy's post that this, you know it's, it's a, that's a phrase that can destroy you, and so to drive yourself to, to open up, and I mean completely and honestly when I write, I write from my heart.

00:06:25.687 --> 00:06:27.930
If it hurts, it hurts.

00:06:27.930 --> 00:06:29.250
If it's happy, it's happy.

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I'm not going to cover the words for you because you didn't like it.

00:06:35.079 --> 00:06:53.713
You know I may not use your name, but I think in having people understand that accountability on not just you everybody talks about accountability and they say well, you have to take accountability for yourself, and I agree with that wholeheartedly and I believe that I do that.

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But the ability to stand up when you get knocked down is the mark of a good Christian.

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I think I don't know how else to say that right.

00:06:59.168 --> 00:07:09.574
No, I mean, I think your story is pretty inspiring, dick, and people that haven't read your books don't know what I'm talking about.

00:07:09.574 --> 00:07:15.370
So you have to get a hold of Dick's books Obviously Amazon and all the major booksellers you can get those.

00:07:15.370 --> 00:07:17.747
Just type in Dick Odom's name and they'll pop right up.

00:07:17.747 --> 00:07:18.649
I did that earlier.

00:07:18.649 --> 00:07:31.776
But what has really interested me is this culture you were involved in while you were in law enforcement and the warning shot that you're telling all other law enforcement about that motorcycle culture.

00:07:31.776 --> 00:07:36.372
Can you just briefly talk about that and sort of the warnings you have for others in your writings?

00:07:37.860 --> 00:07:41.471
So now we're popping open the can of worms, right.

00:07:41.471 --> 00:07:45.961
Let's let them squirm, let's let them squirm man, let's get after it because, listen.

00:07:46.021 --> 00:07:49.750
One thing about our audience needs to know about dick odom is nothing's a secret.

00:07:49.750 --> 00:07:56.745
You put it all on paper, so you're on hiding anything and I have a lot of respect for that's why you're here talking to me, and I think we can all learn from that.

00:07:56.786 --> 00:08:02.829
That's the power in you doing that, dick well, I I certainly appreciate that and I can tell this.

00:08:02.829 --> 00:08:30.711
My writing has ruffled a lot of feathers, but I hope that those feathers, while they ruffle, that those people have the foresight to look in and learn the motorcycle, that culture of law enforcement, motorcycle clubs, travis it's really a line you know when you're living in that world and you're trying to be a cop and what I call a 99 percent outlaw and the definition of that is in my book it's a dangerous life.

00:08:30.711 --> 00:08:41.553
I mean, I got into so many situations that I should not have been in and I mean, honestly, they're just brawls and this was right.

00:08:41.659 --> 00:08:45.211
So I got out of that environment in 2006.

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But I continue to see this activity daily.

00:08:49.586 --> 00:08:53.173
I mean, just the other day there was a deputy out in California arrested.

00:08:53.173 --> 00:08:58.991
Well, this guy's running around with a one percent outlaw club, right, I mean, come on.

00:08:58.991 --> 00:09:04.990
So for me, the shenanigans that I went through that were dangerous to me and the people around me.

00:09:04.990 --> 00:09:08.767
They're just getting worse and I think it's society degrades.

00:09:08.767 --> 00:09:11.106
Travis, you know, I say this in my book.

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People are as our society degrades.

00:09:14.027 --> 00:09:15.311
People are going to lump together.

00:09:15.311 --> 00:09:17.967
And what do we call lumps together of people?

00:09:17.967 --> 00:09:20.148
We call them gangs, clubs, societies.

00:09:20.148 --> 00:09:22.119
It's only going to worsen.

00:09:22.299 --> 00:09:27.677
But that motorcycle life, it's very alluring, right.

00:09:27.677 --> 00:09:32.350
I mean it just draws you in because you there is, you feel what you think is a sense of freedom.

00:09:32.350 --> 00:09:33.010
But it's not.

00:09:33.010 --> 00:09:35.667
It's very false, but there's.

00:09:35.667 --> 00:09:40.943
There can be not a lot of good in there for that if you're living that 99 outlaw life.

00:09:40.943 --> 00:09:45.541
Now, that being said, there are still a lot of clubs out there that do very good work.

00:09:47.405 --> 00:10:00.861
But I will say this loudly as I was researching the last book, I emailed and tried to contact every the big five, one percent outlaw motorcycle club, right, Hells Angels, outlaws, bogos, banditos all those guys Received no response from them whatsoever.

00:10:00.861 --> 00:10:03.965
It was all those guys received no response from them whatsoever.

00:10:03.965 --> 00:10:05.326
And I expected that.

00:10:05.326 --> 00:10:07.849
Now let me give you the surprise.

00:10:07.849 --> 00:10:16.297
I did the same thing with law enforcement motorcycle clubs and received no response, with exception of one.

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And they came out.

00:10:21.539 --> 00:10:26.962
They had a really good idea and I'm not going to plug them for it at all and then they turn and they said, listen, we're not going to, we don't want to be a part of that it at all.

00:10:26.962 --> 00:10:30.105
And then they turn around they said, listen, we're not going to, we don't want to be a part of that book at all.

00:10:30.105 --> 00:10:33.947
And I kind of laughed and I said, well, listen, you people are acting the same way as these outlaw motorcycle clubs and I want you to know that.

00:10:33.947 --> 00:10:40.370
So until they start learning that their secrecy I mean it's not, it's not a secret, right?

00:10:40.370 --> 00:10:47.975
I mean it's just not that they have to get a hold of it, it's not a life that I would recommend anybody living in it leads us into.

00:10:47.975 --> 00:10:56.903
I've got one big secret left in my life Travis, and it's probably the worst one that I could have held on to and it's going to be in my last book.

00:10:56.923 --> 00:10:57.225
Don't Be a Dick.

00:10:57.225 --> 00:10:58.929
You don't want to reveal that here, do you, dick?

00:10:58.929 --> 00:11:00.948
You want to?

00:11:00.969 --> 00:11:01.619
hold it out for the book.

00:11:01.619 --> 00:11:05.986
Huh, yeah, yeah, it's going to be in the last book, right?

00:11:05.986 --> 00:11:15.124
If you, if you read my books, the first one or the second, one other than this secret dress, what you said well, there's nothing about my life that you wouldn't know.

00:11:15.706 --> 00:11:17.350
Well, what do you think the appeal is?

00:11:17.350 --> 00:11:17.931
Is it a?

00:11:17.931 --> 00:11:18.371
Is it a?

00:11:18.371 --> 00:11:20.943
Is it a de-stress mechanism?

00:11:20.943 --> 00:11:23.729
Is it that fine line between good and evil?

00:11:23.729 --> 00:11:26.373
Is it the community aspect?

00:11:26.373 --> 00:11:27.681
Is it all of the above?

00:11:27.681 --> 00:11:40.460
What do you think the draw is for law enforcement those wearing the badge to uphold, uphold the laws and to be with the the gap between good and evil and law abiders and crime.

00:11:40.460 --> 00:11:43.928
What do you think the draw is for these motorcycle clubs?

00:11:44.068 --> 00:11:51.789
for them to be attracted to it it starts out in in uh, camaraderie and the in the.

00:11:51.789 --> 00:12:04.168
You believe you have the ability to de-stress in that environment because you're surrounded by people that you work with right, you're surrounded by the thin blue line, which I have.

00:12:04.168 --> 00:12:05.009
No, I mean.

00:12:05.009 --> 00:12:10.005
Mean, if you look at the society today, there's not a lot left there to brag about.

00:12:10.005 --> 00:12:25.414
It starts out as that and then, before you know it, the alcohol begins to overpower people, the adultery runs rampant through that kind of life and these are all things that are.

00:12:25.414 --> 00:12:34.211
You know, they're compromising you morally and ethically, and so it starts out in all good fun, just as I did.

00:12:34.211 --> 00:12:47.384
But within a five-year period, I went from a guy that was once in my previous agency, the deputy for the year, to getting arrested in my mugshot being on news media.

00:12:47.384 --> 00:13:00.100
Right Now I'll say this I used every excuse in my arsenal to justify what I was doing, I think because I wasn't taking personal accountability.

00:13:00.610 --> 00:13:09.642
Well, let me ask you this, dick While you were going through this and you were in law enforcement and you were living this sort of other life, what role did leaders play?

00:13:09.791 --> 00:13:18.863
I mean, this is a leadership podcast and we often talk about the failure of leadership and the good, but what role did leaders in your organization play during this time period?

00:13:18.863 --> 00:13:21.549
Because surely they noticed it right before it got to the end.

00:13:21.549 --> 00:13:23.818
We always talk about the end oh, I got arrested.

00:13:23.818 --> 00:13:25.476
Oh, I tried to commit suicide.

00:13:25.476 --> 00:13:27.717
Oh, I committed a crime, I did this, I did that.

00:13:27.717 --> 00:13:33.736
But there's a lot of time between the beginning of that to the end of that and we don't often talk about the middle.

00:13:33.736 --> 00:13:35.977
The middle part's where leadership comes in.

00:13:45.769 --> 00:13:46.914
What role did they play in that middle part good or bad?

00:13:46.914 --> 00:13:50.128
So in in my agency at that time, travis, there was a guy that was the chief of police was probably the most toxic leader you could have been around.

00:13:50.128 --> 00:13:51.331
Oh, I heard about that guy.

00:13:51.732 --> 00:13:54.058
Me and andy have had conversations about that guy.

00:13:54.058 --> 00:13:58.836
I don't know the guy's name, but me and andy have had a lot, a lot of conversations about this guy.

00:13:58.836 --> 00:13:59.518
Go ahead.

00:14:00.038 --> 00:14:02.222
Yeah, the guy was just.

00:14:02.222 --> 00:14:10.480
You know, in my first book, the oath breaker, I thought I I talk about three type of people that are supervisory positions.

00:14:11.230 --> 00:14:18.715
You have a leader, a true leader, right, these are people like you and Andy Hughes, john Kelly, right, they show compassion to their people.

00:14:18.715 --> 00:14:22.518
Um, and then you have a supervisor.

00:14:22.518 --> 00:14:25.198
The supervisor is there to punch the card, that's it.

00:14:25.198 --> 00:14:27.938
He really doesn't care if Travis is beat or hurt.

00:14:27.938 --> 00:14:32.240
He's going to do his job and he's going to move on.

00:14:32.240 --> 00:14:33.294
And then there's the third one.

00:14:33.294 --> 00:14:35.277
He's what I call a dilettante.

00:14:35.277 --> 00:14:38.596
These are the worst of the worst.

00:14:38.596 --> 00:14:48.804
They got in their positions usually by false resumes or generally they've attached themselves to a shooting star that has really worked well and worked hard.

00:14:48.804 --> 00:14:53.034
But this particular man, he was that way.

00:14:53.034 --> 00:14:57.063
His idea was to come in and tear apart an agency that had nothing wrong with it.

00:14:57.063 --> 00:15:01.038
I mean, there was 170 hardworking officers there.

00:15:01.038 --> 00:15:02.761
Of course, there was a problem here and there.

00:15:02.761 --> 00:15:11.323
I went to my agency, my particular lieutenant, and they had transferred me to a patrol division.

00:15:11.323 --> 00:15:19.193
But anyways, I said, hey, I need help, and we talked about five minutes and when I left, that room.

00:15:19.414 --> 00:15:23.874
I left because he, because he said Odom, what in the hell do you want me to do now?

00:15:23.874 --> 00:15:33.600
I just stood in front of this man and said I have a problem with alcohol, I've got infidelity issues and I need to be at home during the day or work during the day, right?

00:15:33.600 --> 00:15:36.900
Well, the response was what in the hell do you want me to do?

00:15:36.900 --> 00:15:38.690
I said, lieutenant, I don't need you to do anything.

00:15:38.690 --> 00:15:39.832
I turned and walked out.

00:15:39.832 --> 00:15:48.594
Well, rather than help than help me, he sent my name to Internal Affairs and now, before I know it, there's some lieutenant following me around, like I didn't see him.

00:15:48.594 --> 00:15:56.441
I mean, for the love of God, as a child, I was hypervigilant because of my upbringing.

00:15:56.441 --> 00:16:00.152
So by the time I became a cop, every bad person around me.

00:16:00.231 --> 00:16:01.572
I saw him right away, right?

00:16:01.572 --> 00:16:10.256
So this guy trying to sneak around and follow me was kind of funny, but to go from a cop now.

00:16:10.256 --> 00:16:11.636
I was a dedicated officer.

00:16:11.636 --> 00:16:12.498
I had my problems.

00:16:12.498 --> 00:16:21.261
I did a lot of work, though I was very hardworking To go from going in there and saying I need help to somebody from internal affairs following you?

00:16:21.282 --> 00:16:21.623
Who do you?

00:16:21.643 --> 00:16:22.562
think that came from.

00:16:22.562 --> 00:16:25.585
Well, that was an internal affairs investigation.

00:16:25.585 --> 00:16:28.466
I'm fairly certain the chief of police knew about that.

00:16:28.466 --> 00:16:29.187
I know he did.

00:16:29.187 --> 00:16:39.474
So the guy was just he came in, he tore the department apart and rather than come in and say we see, you need help, it was complete opposite reaction.

00:16:39.474 --> 00:16:48.700
The leadership there was very poor on the upper echelon the people that really could have benefited in those positions they were in lower supervisory positions.

00:16:48.970 --> 00:16:50.693
But he's just a man.

00:16:50.693 --> 00:16:55.082
That he's a dilettante is what I refer to that person I have travesties.

00:16:55.082 --> 00:16:57.638
Well, let me just say this.

00:16:58.211 --> 00:17:01.120
What you just described is why I do what I do.

00:17:01.120 --> 00:17:02.615
I know it's why you do what you do.

00:17:02.615 --> 00:17:04.756
This is everything folks.

00:17:04.756 --> 00:17:05.390
I mean.

00:17:05.390 --> 00:17:16.960
What Dick just described is, first off, the resilience it took to walk into that office and to admit to that and basically there's no bigger scream for help right there.

00:17:16.960 --> 00:17:18.575
And then to get that response.

00:17:18.575 --> 00:17:20.381
Leadership is everything.

00:17:20.381 --> 00:17:22.403
I don't care what your crime rate is, I don't care what your is everything.

00:17:22.403 --> 00:17:26.298
I don't care what your crime rate is, I don't care what your benefits are, I don't care what your stupid hiring bonuses are.

00:17:26.769 --> 00:17:30.461
If you don't have leaders within that organization, it will be destroyed.

00:17:30.461 --> 00:17:31.796
I've seen this firsthand.

00:17:31.796 --> 00:17:35.661
I hear stories daily around the country of this happening.

00:17:35.661 --> 00:17:41.679
One leader at the top can change it all, can ruin it all, but then again, one leader at the top can make everything better.

00:17:41.679 --> 00:17:46.694
And I want to also give our audience one more little lesson.

00:17:46.714 --> 00:18:01.898
And when you talked about that toxic leader, about how he would attach himself to a rising star, it screams of the signs of narcissism and we have a lot of narcissism within leadership ranks and I didn't really know a lot about narcissism until I got bit by narcissism.

00:18:01.898 --> 00:18:04.284
And narcissism is actually a mental disorder.

00:18:04.284 --> 00:18:13.771
It's actually diagnosed as that but it's impossible to cure, because the whole idea of narcissism is they don't know they're narcissists, right, and so that's a.

00:18:13.771 --> 00:18:29.115
I don't know if this guy was that, but you described enough to me to tell me that's probably the case, because that's one of the big signs they do is they will use you until they can't use you anymore.

00:18:29.115 --> 00:18:31.281
Then they destroy you, right and that's, and they'll typically do what you just described and um and uh.

00:18:31.301 --> 00:18:39.172
You know that's an incredible story, but and I'm so, I mean I know it's tough to talk about, but I'm so happy you talked about it because this is I want our audience to know this.

00:18:39.172 --> 00:18:40.457
We have people listen to art and law enforcement.

00:18:40.457 --> 00:18:41.340
This is I want our audience to know this.

00:18:41.340 --> 00:18:42.525
We have people that listen to art and law enforcement.

00:18:42.525 --> 00:18:43.730
This is, throughout the profession, what you just described.

00:18:43.730 --> 00:18:57.857
And that's why, when John Kelly told me the definition of leadership is caring, it was so impactful I actually started including that in my presentation, with some research behind it, because that really is it, and all you needed was someone to care.

00:18:57.857 --> 00:19:05.414
And, by the way, dick, your whole life may have drastically changed for the better if a leader just led.

00:19:05.414 --> 00:19:06.076
Would it have not?

00:19:06.356 --> 00:19:08.020
yeah, I, I believe it would.

00:19:08.020 --> 00:19:24.690
I mean at that time, um, it would have traversed, there's no doubt if somebody would have came to me and and really showed some compassion and at that time that particular he like separated every good part of that agency and tore it apart.

00:19:24.690 --> 00:19:35.417
And so you know if I would have been, say, the last year I was in law enforcement there was a particular man, a good friend of yours and I's.

00:19:35.417 --> 00:19:44.116
He wasn't my boss anymore and I said this in one of my books I wished he had man because I think he grabbed me up by the scruff of my collar and I'm talking about Andy Hughes.

00:19:45.998 --> 00:19:52.424
He grabbed me up and said come on here right, but like this chief, the first thing he did he came in and he just destroyed the train division.

00:19:52.444 --> 00:19:54.769
That we're all in and separated like okay, whatever.

00:19:55.880 --> 00:20:00.035
But to have a leader that was like Andy at that time around me would have been great.

00:20:00.035 --> 00:20:03.881
But you know Andy was going through his problems with that guy too.

00:20:03.881 --> 00:20:05.375
I mean, that guy is just a lunatic.

00:20:05.435 --> 00:20:09.721
I think, but to have somebody that would come in and said I got you.

00:20:09.721 --> 00:20:14.712
It would have meant the world, you know, just like.

00:20:14.712 --> 00:20:17.454
Don't worry about this, we got you, we're going to take care of you.

00:20:17.454 --> 00:20:23.832
But for me, travis, when I talk about accountability, I'm going to keep talking about it forever.

00:20:23.832 --> 00:20:30.617
Don't come to me and tell me you're my friend and then not be willing to come up to me and say, dude, you're drinking too much, you're not my friend.

00:20:32.280 --> 00:20:33.202
Yeah yeah.

00:20:33.364 --> 00:20:37.928
There's so much power in that, dick, there really is, and I think we can all learn that lesson.

00:20:37.928 --> 00:20:44.313
And what you're talking about with them, taking straight to internal affairs, is what we're seeing across the country.

00:20:44.313 --> 00:20:49.942
It's the art of self-preservation oh, I don't want to help, I don't want to care, it may put me in jeopardy.

00:20:49.942 --> 00:20:57.382
So the easy thing to do, the cowardly thing to do, is just launch an investigation which is literally the exact opposite of what a leader is.

00:20:57.382 --> 00:21:02.608
Right, there's obviously times to launch investigations, but when a guy comes in pleading for help, obviously that's not a time.

00:21:02.608 --> 00:21:03.373
It's a time to help.

00:21:03.373 --> 00:21:09.992
You literally wrote a script for him to do and, pretty and like I said, I wouldn't be harping on if it was just this person.

00:21:10.079 --> 00:21:12.547
But we see this throughout law enforcement.

00:21:12.547 --> 00:21:20.576
I personally saw the destruction of what one leader can do in an agency myself and how quickly it can happen, and that divide and conquer is real.

00:21:20.576 --> 00:21:24.213
If you want to see what's going wrong in the country, see how they're dividing Americans.

00:21:24.213 --> 00:21:27.664
Right, they're labeling Americans, whether it's through race or politics.

00:21:27.664 --> 00:21:43.969
Well, in organizations, these toxic leaders do the exact same thing, and you've mentioned that a couple of times where he started to divide people, and it's a very quick, quick way to destroy an organization and you know, I'm just amazed that that you cause.

00:21:43.969 --> 00:21:51.318
You could have gone down some dark, dark paths for many, many years after that, but you have come out of that doing just some incredible things, dick.

00:21:51.318 --> 00:21:59.233
I mean, let's talk about a thin blue connect, let's talk about why you decided to do that and kind of what you're doing with that incredible organization.

00:22:04.285 --> 00:22:08.758
And obviously tell them the website, where to find it and things like that.

00:22:08.758 --> 00:22:12.067
Oh, thinblueconnectcom, the platform.

00:22:12.067 --> 00:22:14.660
I mean what it is, it's my passion.

00:22:14.660 --> 00:22:27.243
My book series is something I believe I was made to write.

00:22:27.243 --> 00:22:28.684
The first two books were for me.

00:22:28.684 --> 00:22:30.667
The last book is full of tangible solutions.

00:22:30.667 --> 00:22:50.273
There's several authors in it, authors together that agencies could really depend on that had been vetted in some sense right, other than just here's Joe Bob's resume and let's bring him in and to help these people continue their careers to get their messages out right.

00:22:50.880 --> 00:23:01.948
So, as we talk about that kind of stuff, I'll say this when I was researching, I spoke to a psychologist that made a comment to me that cops don't have a problem killing people.

00:23:01.948 --> 00:23:03.846
Well, I got pretty upset.

00:23:03.846 --> 00:23:14.500
To be honest with you, I really disagreed with it and I realized right then that that was a person that didn't even be around me, and so that's kind of where Thin Blue Connect started, right.

00:23:14.500 --> 00:23:17.259
And then you pay attention to it, right.

00:23:17.259 --> 00:23:20.390
There's just so many people have great messages, right.

00:23:20.390 --> 00:23:26.729
I mean like Dr Olivia Johnson, her fatal 10, your courageous leadership.

00:23:26.729 --> 00:23:29.992
John Kelly sometimes hero needs help.

00:23:29.992 --> 00:23:39.623
Andy Hughes, bear the sword, I mean, the list goes on and on, but I want people to hear them and I want to help them do that, right.

00:23:39.643 --> 00:23:42.327
That's what Sand Blue Connects about.

00:23:42.327 --> 00:23:56.028
So we have it's an honor society, it's invitation only right, it's based on that person's work, what they're doing and who they're contacting, those types of things.

00:23:56.028 --> 00:24:08.440
Those are the things that are important to me to make sure that we're getting messages to first responders that are valid and not necessarily hurting people.

00:24:08.440 --> 00:24:09.786
I guess is what I'm trying to say.

00:24:09.786 --> 00:24:18.304
So we have a big conference we're working on next year and I mean this conference is going through.

00:24:18.304 --> 00:24:28.115
You know the way that it's being perceived and built is it's going to revolutionize the way people train, treat and lead.

00:24:28.115 --> 00:24:29.622
That's important.

00:24:29.622 --> 00:24:31.825
So that's what Thin Blue Connects about.

00:24:31.865 --> 00:24:39.236
Travis is finding people that are they have valuable messages and helping them get those messages out.

00:24:40.280 --> 00:24:43.210
No, I think it's incredible, dick, and it hasn't been done right.

00:24:43.210 --> 00:24:55.867
I mean, I think everybody listening here in law enforcement, even in the business world, you're used to going to a conference and they'll have like a signature speaker and then what I would describe it oftentimes is a bunch of feelers right, you know, they're trying to watch the budget.

00:24:55.867 --> 00:25:01.932
They're just bringing that signature speaker in to bring the audience and then sometimes the other instructors are hit or miss.

00:25:01.932 --> 00:25:02.513
We kind of get that.

00:25:02.513 --> 00:25:11.403
But you really are vetting these instructors at a high level and people need to know that if they go to a thin blue connect conference man, they're going to be charged to the max.

00:25:11.403 --> 00:25:24.096
I mean it's going to be every single minute of that conference they're going to be fired up because those speakers you talked about, whether it's Andy Hughes or John Kelly or even Tom Rizzo, I mean these guys are they're A pluses.

00:25:24.096 --> 00:25:26.345
Right, they're A pluses, they're the best of the best.

00:25:26.685 --> 00:25:34.054
But you're right, they oftentimes aren't known by the masses because you know there's just a lot of folks out there doing it and there's a lot of listen there doing it and there's a lot of listen.

00:25:34.054 --> 00:25:40.175
I don't want to be too negative but you know, in the law enforcement training world there's a lot of frauds.

00:25:40.175 --> 00:25:51.051
We know that sometimes marketing there's sometimes marketing overtakes the message, or sometimes the message is too politically correct, or or we're really worried about saying certain things or these, this or that.

00:25:51.051 --> 00:26:03.771
And you have done an incredible job of sort of attaching all these folks together and I'm an honor to be a part of it and I just can't encourage people enough to hit that website and check that out.

00:26:03.771 --> 00:26:10.525
I know you've got the first training coming up this summer, but if they want to bring that to their community, I'm sure you'd be open to that as well, right?

00:26:12.109 --> 00:26:12.872

00:26:12.872 --> 00:26:14.000
You go to www.

00:26:14.000 --> 00:26:14.000

00:26:14.000 --> 00:26:15.001

00:26:15.001 --> 00:26:15.662
Of course.

00:26:15.662 --> 00:26:17.503
You can always email me, richard (at) thinblueconnect.

00:26:17.503 --> 00:26:18.945

00:26:20.007 --> 00:26:25.332
One of the things that we do on the platform, travis, is, let's say, they go in there and they're interested.

00:26:25.332 --> 00:26:28.976
They look at your profile and they're interested in speaking to Travis Yates.

00:26:28.976 --> 00:26:43.761
You don't have to email me.

00:26:43.761 --> 00:26:45.246
You can find Travis's email right there on his profile page, right?

00:26:45.246 --> 00:26:47.834
But in an effort to facilitate those things, I'm happy for you to email me and I can coordinate those.

00:26:47.834 --> 00:27:01.112
And whether it be you or you know, tom Rizzo or whoever it might be, you know I can coordinate getting seminars and conferences and things like that set up for them and that's part of my goal right, to get that out there and make sure that we're hearing all those people.

00:27:01.112 --> 00:27:19.291
But I don't think that this type of work has been done For an agency to have the ability to go to a platform right now there are 18 members in Thin Blue Connect For them to be able to go to there and look and say that this presenter speaks on this subject.

00:27:19.291 --> 00:27:23.662
That's part of helping facilitate agencies find that need of training.

00:27:25.046 --> 00:27:37.594
Yeah, you've done incredible work, Dick, and obviously you're just getting started and, as we come to a close here, I just want you to give you the last word here on the leaders that are listening to this.

00:27:37.594 --> 00:27:41.205
Everyone's a leader, but what advice would you give them?

00:27:41.205 --> 00:27:44.201
Because we all know the state of law enforcement today, we all know the state of training.

00:27:44.201 --> 00:27:46.363
You're a part of making all of that better.

00:27:46.363 --> 00:27:50.020
What words of advice would you give those leaders that are listening to this?

00:27:50.442 --> 00:27:51.666
Compassion is key.

00:27:51.666 --> 00:28:03.791
These days we have too many people getting into the law enforcement that really have nefarious motivations, but I mean the leaders have to keep their eyes open for that.

00:28:03.791 --> 00:28:10.252
But at the end, having compassion and realizing that Travis sometimes even leaders need to be led.

00:28:10.252 --> 00:28:14.643
You know, just because you're the chief doesn't mean you got every answer.

00:28:14.643 --> 00:28:17.003
You know, just because you're the chief doesn't mean you got every answer.

00:28:17.003 --> 00:28:17.244
All right.

00:28:17.244 --> 00:28:25.931
So to be compassionate and to be open to your whether it be subordinates or peers, I think can make a big difference.

00:28:25.931 --> 00:28:29.875
You know, paying attention to, to your cops is very important.

00:28:29.875 --> 00:28:32.016
One night I was, I remember, doing a roadblock.

00:28:32.016 --> 00:28:44.685
We were running a driver's license check and so I was going on my feet and they were just in complete pain every step I took, I mean, I was literally in tears and one of my other dog handlers came over to me and he said, hey, what's going on?

00:28:44.617 --> 00:28:45.548
I was like, oh, nothing, I was particularly quiet.

00:28:45.548 --> 00:28:50.134
You know me, I tend to talk a lot, um, and he said finally he got out.

00:28:50.134 --> 00:28:53.525
I used to do my feet feel like they're on fire and they were very painful.

00:28:53.525 --> 00:28:56.391
There's this one guy there and he's passed away now.

00:28:56.391 --> 00:28:57.512
He's named Buren Wombles.

00:28:57.512 --> 00:28:58.723
Some people didn't like him.

00:28:58.723 --> 00:28:59.426
I really don't care.

00:28:59.426 --> 00:29:01.464
The man was an outstanding leader for me.

00:29:01.464 --> 00:29:06.385
Within 10 minutes, buren came over to me and he said hey, odom, go home.

00:29:06.385 --> 00:29:08.424
I said, excuse, you what he said.

00:29:08.444 --> 00:29:08.865
Go home.

00:29:08.865 --> 00:29:14.707
I've been seeing you limp around here for 10 minutes with your dog and it's that kind of stuff.

00:29:14.707 --> 00:29:17.073
It's the little stuff, travis, if the leaders can pay.

00:29:17.073 --> 00:29:26.384
That man has no idea how much respect he garnered for me that night by realizing the physical pain, even though I was willing to work through it.

00:29:26.384 --> 00:29:28.609
Tons of respect, right.

00:29:28.609 --> 00:29:33.647
It was that one little instance that I'll always remember that man for right.

00:29:33.647 --> 00:29:36.953
So those are the things I think leaders need to get back to.

00:29:36.953 --> 00:29:41.491
They're so worried about what you said a while ago passing the buck so they don't get in trouble.

00:29:41.491 --> 00:29:45.608
I mean, compassion would be very helpful these days.

00:29:45.608 --> 00:29:46.791
You know being open-minded.

00:29:47.339 --> 00:29:53.642
Yeah, I think you nailed that we have to get the little things right, because if you get the little things right, you tend to get the big things right.

00:29:53.642 --> 00:29:57.808
We go over that in our seminars routinely and there's a lot of wisdom in that.

00:29:57.808 --> 00:30:00.272
Dick Odom, thin Blue Connect.

00:30:00.272 --> 00:30:04.846
I'm so thankful for what you're doing for our profession.

00:30:04.846 --> 00:30:14.803
It's a prime example that you may be retired or resigned from an agency but you can still serve in whatever capacity and the gifts God gave you, and I can't thank you enough for doing that.

00:30:14.803 --> 00:30:16.987
You are impacting thousands of lives.

00:30:16.987 --> 00:30:18.471
Thanks for being on the show.

00:30:18.991 --> 00:30:21.046
Well, thank you, and I appreciate being here.

00:30:21.046 --> 00:30:22.204
It's been a great joy.

00:30:23.021 --> 00:30:25.807
And, if you're listening, thank you for spending time with us.

00:30:25.807 --> 00:30:28.549
And just remember, lead on and stay courageous.

00:30:30.583 --> 00:30:33.505
Thank you for listening to Courageous Leadership with Travis Yates.

00:30:33.505 --> 00:30:36.781
We invite you to join other courageous leaders at www.

00:30:36.781 --> 00:30:36.781

00:30:36.781 --> 00:30:38.367